
Stop trying to find a job, with us the job finds you

We are a community of hard-working New Yorkers. Join us and start earning money doing temp jobs near you.


Think of us as your personal agent, working constantly to find new gigs just for you. Get notified and apply for all gigs in your city.

We bring together jobs from across clients and agencies in one place and lets you apply to them with just one click. It also helps you build your portfolio and ratings increasing your chances of getting jobs.

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Its free

We will never charge staff for getting gigs on our platform. All we ask for is, create your profile and do a great job.

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Get paid inside platform

We ensure you get paid for the job you have done right from the platform. Your payment will get deposited straight to your bank.

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Get paid fast, really fast.

Once you finish your last shift for the order, you get paid within 3 days straight. For long term order, get paid every week.

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Notifications about jobs

Read the instructions for the job. If you're available, press apply!

You get hired

Check in when you arrive. Check out when you're finished.

Get Paid

In less than a week, the money will arrive in your account! We handle all the legal and accounting.

Create a profile

Include some basic details about your education and experience

Activate messenger app

We use a super smart bot to notify you about new jobs - it lets you apply directly from the message box.

Let's get you started

Scale your career with Party Host Helpers